Wednesday, June 12, 2019

My Human Parts Debut has gone viral.

In the week since I published I Don't Understand Straight People, Even Though I'm Married to One, it's gotten over 24K views (over 3.4K from Twitter alone) and, by itself, made more money than I'd previously made in a month writing for Medium. Whoa.

More than ever, I understand now that one fantastic piece is worth so much more (to me) than a million okay pieces.

Of course, not everyone's into it. I wrote this piece about the negative feedback I've received and my response to it: I Expected the Homophobic Trolls, But Why Are Lesbians Mad at Me?

I know I just said I realized the power of publishing fantastic stuff--and I'm not really claiming that this response piece fits that description--but I also just really wanted to get my response out there.
Blurred Rainbow Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

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